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Welcome to the ARCoS site

Welcome to the site of the Adaptive Refinement Code for Streamers (ARCoS). ARCoS is a numerical code for the simulation of streamer discharges developed at the Dutch Center of Mathematics and Computer Science (CWI). It has resulted from research both in the physics of streamers and in numerical algorithms developed in the last years at the Multiscale Modelling and Nonlinear Dynamics group.

ARCoS is a state-of-the-art numerical tool featuring:

  • Adaptivively refined grids.
  • Fast photo-ionization calculation through partial differential equations.
  • Plane-plane and point-plane electrode geometries.
  • 3D calculations through Fast Fourier Transforms.
  • Parallel computations in multi-core machines.
  • Automatic code generator for plasmo-chemical models.

This is a list of people that has been involved on the development of ARCoS in the past years

Ute Ebert : As head of the Multiscale Dynamics group MD (formerly MAS3 “Modeling, Analysis and Simulation”), Ute started the development of ARCoS and supervised its development.

Willem Hundsdorfer : As a Numerical Analysis expert, he has overviewed and contributed to the development of ARCoS since the beginning.

Margreet Nool : Senior scientific programmer improved …

Alejandro Luque : During a 3-year post-doc at CWI, he reimplemented the original codebase of ARCoS porting it from FORTRAN to C. He also implemented photo-ionization and parallelized and extended the code to 3D by means of Fast Fourier Transforms.

Carolynne Montijn : In her PhD Thesis “Evolution of Negative Streamers in Nitrogen: a Numerical Investigation on Adaptive Grids” (2005), she implemented the main discretization and refinement algorithms for a fluid model of pure Nitrogen.

Jeroen Wackers : Developed a scheme to solve the Poisson equation in adaptively refined Cartesian grids.

Gideon Wormeester : In his thesis Propagation mechanisms of positive streamers in different gases, (Expected Doctoral degree 27-08-2013); TU Eindhoven, Department of Applied Physics; Supervisor: U.M. Ebert, To appear…

codes/arcos.1404732447.txt.gz · Last modified: 2014/07/07 13:27 by margreet